Updated Articles

  1. ARRI Alexa Mini Tech Seminar Instructor Slides

  2. Intermediate and Advanced Folder Structure

  3. Sound Effects and Music Libraries

  4. Canon 300 MK II Menu Simulator

    C300 MK II Menu Simulator
  5. Canon 300 MK II Menu Simulator

    C300 MK II Menu Simulator
  6. Canon Log 3 Practice Footage (Ovens of Cappoquin)

    R01_034_Esther_Bakery_Chimney.mp4 R01_052_Town.mp4 ...
  7. Canon Log 3 Practice Footage (Ovens of Cappoquin)

    R01_034_Esther_Bakery_Chimney.mp4 R01_052_Town.mp4 ...
  8. Sound Effects and Music Libraries

  9. 302 Mixer Guide

    Sound Devices 302 Mixer Guide.pdf
  10. 302 Mixer Guide

    Sound Devices 302 Mixer Guide.pdf