C300 MK II Settings Card

C300 MK II Settings

Before every shoot, program the following primary settings on your camera.
When in doubt, seek assistance from Camera Faculty or Production Center Staff.

Camera Set Up:
ISO/Gain: Canon Log 2/3 - 800, Canon Log 1 - 500
! Change ISO in these increments: 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200 (Cleaner image at full stops)
Shutter: Angle / 180
Extended ND: OFF, if ON - Check focus!

Custom Picture: choose one per each category, grade accordingly
Gamma: Canon Log 2 (Potential for more noise*, grading required), Canon Log 3 (Less noise, grading required) or Normal 4 (No LUT, grading required)
Color Space: Cinema Gamut (grading required) or BT 709 Gamut (No LUT required)
Color Matrix: Neutral or Cinema EOS Original (ONLY if matching footage to Generation 1 EOS Cameras)
! Never select “Video” for matrix
! If using Presets, the Color Matrix defaults to “Neutral”
! Middle Gray Values: Canon Log 1 & 3 = 34.3% / Canon Log 2 = 39.8%
*See Filmguide for article on Canon Log 2 Luminance Banding/CMOS Smearing Issues

Audio Set Up: (Note: audio should be reordered to the 633!)
Audio Bit Depth: 24 Bit
Audio Output: Monitor Channels CH1/CH2
Audio Input: For single system recording from mixer, turn Phantom Power off & set to “LINE”
! Turn off Mic built into camera to not record crew sounds

Recording / Media Set Up:
System Frequency: 59.94
Frame Rate: 23.98P
! To shoot 60-120fps, you must enter “Slow & Fast Motion (crop)” Mode and shoot in 10 Bit
Resolution/Color SubSampling: Choose one below
    *1920x1080 YCC422 10 bit
    *1920x1080 RGB444 12 bit
    *2048x1080 YCC422 10 bit
    *2048x1080 RGB444 12 bit (Max resolution while maintaining max color/image quality)
    *3840x2160 YCC422 10 bit
    *4096x2160 YCC411 10 bit

Assistance Functions:
Peaking: ON
Zebra: ON / 70% (Skintone), 90% (Highlights), 100% (Highlight Clipping)
Markers: ON / Center - White
LUT: ON* (if shooting Log) / Mon. & HDMI - B.T. 709
Waveform: ON / LCD
*Set Assignable Button #10 on LCD to “LUT” to toggle LUT OFF/ON
! Use TV Logic Waveform Monitor to evaluate exposure

Page one of the C300 MK II Settings Card.Page two of the C300 MK II Settings Card.